The three major arguments for the existence of God
Cosmological Argument
When we look up at the sky, we see very beautiful stars and galaxies.
While looking at this, a question comes to our mind. We are compelled to think
that there must be someone who created such a vast and beautiful world and that
it was created for a specific purpose. Such a world cannot be like that. There
must be someone's hand behind it and it is not created like that but it is made
for a specific purpose.
According to the Cosmological Argument, there is a reason for all the things in the world. This thing cannot happen here without a reason. The argument that there must be a cause is a cosmological argument.
Teleological Argument
Nothing comes into existence without being made by someone and nothing is made systematic without being made systematic. When we look at the distance between the sun and the earth, millions of miles away, if this earth were a few percent closer or farther away from the sun, the earth would not be the way we are. Looking at this, we see how organized it is. Nothing is organized without being organized. It's not a coincidence that the right thing is in the right place, but someone has a hand in it. No object can be in the right place by itself. Most of us wear watches. In particular, the clock has 3 hands, second, minute and hour. It is not so organized by itself. It's not like sitting in the right place for 60 seconds equals one minute and 60 minutes equals one hour. Someone has a hand in managing it. If this watch is not made in a systematic way, can this universe be made in a systematic way? can't. That is there is a hand in the organization of this universe, which we call God.
Moral Argument
someone in front of us is doing injustice to others, we will not remain silent.
We try to give justice to those who have been wronged as much as possible, we
call what someone has done well and bad. So people have a consciousness of
right and wrong, it's a matter of justice. So people have a consciousness of
right and wrong, it's a matter of justice. Where did such wisdom or
consciousness come from? We know that nothing happens by itself. Such a
consciousness cannot come in the same way. Therefore, there must be someone to
give such consciousness. Everyone knows that this is right and this is wrong.
There is someone who gives such consciousness, knowledge, wisdom or sense of
justice that we call God. Since we have such a consciousness, the question
arises in our minds that there must be someone to give it. The Bible describes
the person who gives as God.

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