The doctrine of the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity

Writer:Sangam Shrestha.


The doctrine of the Trinity is foundation to the Christian faith[1]. It is heart of Christian belief and Christian teaching. Christian main foundational doctrine is Trinity. Trinity is Major Doctrine in Christianly because Bible Teach as this doctrine. "The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of the central Christian affirmations about God."[2] "We are believe in Trinity God."[3] "The central Christian affirmations about God are condensed and focused in the classic doctrine of the Trinity, which has its ultimate foundation in the special religious experience of the Christians in the first communities. This basis of experience is older than the doctrine of the Trinity."[4] The word trinity is not mentioned in the Bible[5]. The word Trinity is not mentioned in one place throughout the Bible.' Thus the term: "Tri" meaning three, and "Unity" meaning one, Tri+Unity = Trinity. It is a way of acknowledging what the Bible reveals to us about God, that God is yet three "Persons" who have the same essence of deity."[6] "The term was used by Tertullian in the second century."[7] ' We need to know that even though there is no word "trinity" in the Bible, but it is a complete biblical teaching. The Bible teaches us about the Trinity. Therefore, the first person to use the word trinity was Tertullian.[8]

            It is important because a biblical understanding of the Trinity keeps us from all sorts of unhealthy, unsound, and damaging teaching. It helps us be able to dialogue with Muslims,
Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons; all of which have divergent views on the doctrine of God." The triune nature of God is essential to our faith and our salvation."[9] So the doctrine of the Trinity is not only the basis of Christian faith but also the basis of how people are saved. Without the Trinity we cannot be saved because the Trinity must be involved in the work of salvation. If someone says that he does not believe in the Trinity but wants to be saved, it is like saying that he will reach the moon without a rocket. The Trinity is also needed for salvation. The Trinity is not only the doctrine of the church but it is the way of salvation in the Christian life. The Trinity is not only a biblical principle but also the key to the salvation of every true Christian." God has given us this truth through His Word, and the Trinity is important simply because the doctrine is revealed in Scripture. Also, doctrine of the Trinity goes hand in hand with the doctrine of salvation."[10] The Trinity is the backbone of Christians.

[1] "What Is the Doctrine of the Trinity?, " assessed date September 30, 2020, trinity.


[2] Melissa Petruzzello, "Trinity Christianity," accessed date September 30, 2020,


[3] Dil B. Thapa and S.J Knoble, Nepali Religious Module (Kathmandu: 2015), pg.21.


[4] Melissa Petruzzello, "The Holy Trinity The basis for the doctrine of the Trinity," accessed date September 30, 2020,


[5] Wayne Gruden, Systematic Theology, (Kathmandu: Wachan Prakasan, 2016), 299.


[6] "Can you explain the Trinity?," accessed date September 30, 2020,


[7] Derek Wiliams, New Concise bible Dictionary (Kathmandu: Samadan Publishers, 2000), 269.

[8] " When was the word, trinity  first applied to God in Christianity?," accessed date September 30, 2020,


[9] Paul O'Brien, the Tri-Unity of God.


[10] "Why Is the Trinity Important?," accessed date September 30, 2020,


The doctrine of the Trinity The doctrine of the Trinity Reviewed by Sangam Shrestha on November 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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